Meet Syarifah Furaiha, the visionary force behind Inai Republic, a trailblazing Malaysian brand revolutionizing henna and nail care. Initially on the path of medicine, Syarifah redirected her journey to entrepreneurship, driven by an unwavering belief in lifelong learning and a dedication to empower women globally. Armed with a rich background from Moscow and al-Azhar University, she augmented her knowledge with an MBA in entrepreneurship from a prestigious institution.
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Al-Azhar, Cairo. He is also a religious teacher, and uses his platform to educate people about Islam and its teachings. Among his main roles:
Mentoring agents on leadership, communication, marketing, copywriting, business direction, religious and spiritual aspects.
Supervising Inai Republic to ensure that it complies with halal and religious rules.
Developing marketing and branding materials that highlight the importance and awareness of Inai Republic's products and services.
We believe that henna is a powerful tool for women to express themselves and build their businesses. We provide resources and support to help women succeed with the platform of Inai Republic.
We also believe that henna is a natural and halal beauty product. We provide high-quality, affordable henna products that are safe and natural.
We believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back to the community. We support various charitable causes, including those that promote education, health, and women's empowerment.
We believe that reviving sunnah is important for Muslims. Henna is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We are committed to promoting the benefits of henna and helping people to learn more about it.